Improve Your Money TalkBy Christopher Westra
I Create Joy – The Art of Emotional Transformation
Just listen to how most people talk about money. They openly
tell others how poor they are, and how they never have any
money. They say,
"I can't afford it"
"We never have enough money"
"The bills just keep coming"
"When will we ever get ahead?"
Do you think the universe is going to reward this lack mentality
with abundance? No! Like attracts like in this universe. Those
who have mastered money don't talk like that. They say,
"It's a good thing we are rich"
"It's only money"
"Sure, let's get it, we have plenty of money"
"Let's buy the best, we are worth it"
Wealthy men and women demonstrate by outer talk and "self
talk" that they have plenty of money. The law of restoration
says that we get back what we send out.
We had an unexpected "water incident" in our basement that
brought the plumber with his incident bills. It's so comforting to
say, "It's a good thing we're rich".
You may be saying, "Well, I'm not rich." Well, you know what, I
started saying it before I was rich, and the money followed!
To make a start, act the part!
When you make a "poverty" statement, catch yourself and
replace it with an "abundance" statement. Soon it will be habit
and it will affect your very outlook on life, in a very pleasing
I think about money so differently from the way I used to, and
much of the reason is because I changed the way I talk about
money. I'm training my children also to use proper money talk.
Christopher is the author of I Create Joy – The Art of Emotional
The subtitle of this book is “How You Can Transform Painful
Emotions into Joy with this Simple Eight Step Recipe!" For a
free short video that describes the eight steps, see:
ICreateJoy.comThis is lesson 14 from I Create Millions. See the side bar to download the sample chapters or get the whole book.