Christopher Westra's Money Mastery Method 11- Seek Ye First
Idea by John Terry Author:
Through the Eyes of a Traveler "This will probably sound like the most unlikely place to look for wealth, but if you consider the true source of all things, it makes perfect sense.In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus taught his disciples that, “No man can serve two masters … Ye cannot serve God and mammon,” or the world (Matt 6:24). After suggesting to his disciples that they “take no thought for your life, what ye should eat, or what ye shall drink,” he told them, “seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness, and all things shall be added unto to you” (Matt 6:22). He didn’t say some, or part, or a portion, but “all things.”Just moments earlier, he prefaced these very words by promising that those who would give their alms, offerings to the poor and needy, secretly, that the Father would reward them openly (Matt 6:18). Is there sufficient faith to follow this teaching and live this way today?Here is what I’m suggesting—if you want to acquire wealth, perhaps greater than you can even imagine, then find ways to give it away, anonymously, that will serve God and build up the kingdom of God. It is a sure thing—God’s promise to the faithful."
Note from Christopher - People who live in true abundance always give freely. You can tithe with your church, give to charity, or simply find those in need who live right around you. Open your eyes and start giving today. The outflow brings the inflow - always. Be open and flowing.
John is the author of
Through the Eyes of a Traveler. His book examines our innate ability to travel through time and space at will, to communicate directly with others and access knowledge and intelligence through mere thought, and the power to control matter with our minds. I read his book in a few days, and went and met with him personally.